I have decided to do a follow-up on my “Clever Ideas Worth Knowing…” because I recently had to try a couple out. I’m grateful for these kinds of quick tips because they minimize my annoyance level and don’t require putting a dent in my bank account!!
Re-opening Envelopes: If you seal an envelope and then realize you forgot to include something inside, just place your sealed envelope in the freezer for an hour or two. Viola! It unseals easily.
When I returned from my ‘vacation’ to Chicago…oh how I wish I was still in the city…I was working on ‘thank you’ cards. After I sealed the first one up…OOOPPPSS….I forgot to put the small gift inside! I put the envelope in the freezer…it worked beautifully!! It even resealed afterwards. I was worried that it wouldn’t stay sealed so I put some cute stickers on it just to be safe. Saved me from having to use another envelope that would have given me an odd number of envelopes to go with the cards, which just happens to be one of my pet peeves.
Goodbye Fruit Flies: To get rid of pesky fruit flies, take a small glass, fill it 1/2' with Apple Cider Vinegar and 2 drops of dish washing liquid; mix well. You will find those flies drawn to the cup and gone forever!
These little bugs drive me nuts! I always think I’m losing my mind when I see them. They were a little out of control when I returned from vacation. They were living inside my ivy plant. Pulled out the Apple Cider Vinegar and dish soap and within a couple of days I didn’t have any in the house. I didn’t even mind the smell of the Apple Cider Vinegar! FANTASTIC!!
Newspaper Weeds Away: Start putting in your plants, work the nutrients in your soil. Wet newspapers, put layers around the plants overlapping as you go cover with mulch and forget about weeds. Weeds will get through some gardening plastic they will not get through wet newspapers.
One of my subscribers posted that she has been using wet newspapers in her garden for a long time. I haven’t had time to try that yet, but it is on my list. Thanks for letting us know that it works!! If anyone has another home remedies or quick household tips to share, please do.
Keep apples away from other fruit it makes them rot faster.